
Somalis trailed for terrorism in the US

TUCSON August 09, 2024(QJ)-Two Somali nationals living in Tucson, Arizona, have pleaded guilty to conspiring to join ISIS (Daesh). According to the U.S. Attorney for Arizona, Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 26, and Abdi Yemeni Hussein, 25, planned to travel to Egypt to fight for ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula starting in late 2018, before their arrest on July 26, 2019.

Ahmed Mahad Mohamed had sought out other ISIS supporters online in August 2018, expressing his desire to travel to ISIS-controlled territories. He stated that his ambition was to join ISIS fighters in Syria.

At that time, his associate Abdi Yemeni Hussein also wanted to travel to ISIS territory. The two met in 2019 to discuss their plans.

Hussein proposed attacking the White House if their attempt to travel to ISIS territory was blocked, as mentioned in their indictment.

Their sentencing is scheduled for October 11.

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