First meeting of Silanyo/Sheikh Sharif: Dubai Statement
ON 28 JUNE 2012
1- Following the London and Istanbul communiqués that the international community would support dialogue between the Trasitional Federal Government of Somalia (or its replacement) and the Government of Somaliland to clarify their future relaions, and following the meeting held in Chevening House, London, the President the Trasitional Federal Government of Somalia and of the President of Somaliland met on 28 June. 2012 in Dubai.
2- The meeting was hosted the Government of United Arab Emirates, at the request of the two sides.
3- The purpose of this meeting was for the two Presidents present, President Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Ahmed, Trasitional Federal Government of Somalia, and the President Ahmed Mohamoud Silanyo, Somaliland, to formally endorse the process of the talks between two sides that were started in Chevening on 20-21 june.
4- Both parties agreed to the continuation of this dialogue, and agreed to allow the two committees, formed by the presidents, to continue the talks in order to clarify the relationship between the two sides.
by: Said M. Askar