
Hargeisa Conference Promotes Education for Children with Special Needs

Hargeisa (SDN) -Parents of special needs children took part in a conference today alongside educators and child activists on the grounds of Hargeisa’s Special Needs School.

Khadra Omar Hasan the Chairwoman of the SASE organization which founded the school told participants that the children who attend the school are bright and are committed to their education but are in need of on-going support to monitor their progress. She also said that her students can go on to further their education in conventional schools once they have completed their studies at the centre. The education provided at the Special Needs centre bridges the education of children who have never had the chance to attend regular school due to physical disability. Moreover, teachers and administrators at the centre provide continuous support to parents and their children throughout their education and tenure at the centre.

Dayib Mahamed Odowaa also spoke at the conference as a representative of HandiCap International which is a key partner of the Special Needs School. He encouraged members of the public who may have children with special needs to take the important step of bringing them to the school so that they do not become disconnected with the outside world. He also stated that the usual financial barriers to educating children, particularly those with disabilities have been removed in order to allow students to attend the school free of charge.

Parents whose children attend the school also addressed the crowd expressing their happiness at the educational achievements of their children stating that they would maintain their relationship with the institution and continue to help in any way possible.




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