
Somalia: AMISOM Command Disproves Rape Allegation against Somali Girl in the Capital

Mogadishu, Aug 26, 2013 (SDN)-The African union peacekeeping forces command has disproved the rape allegation of the Somali girl in Mogadishu showing to be false to the reports saying that an AU soldier raped the girl according to officials. Spokesman of the African union peacekeeping forces, Col. Cali Xamud who held press conference in the Somali capital Mogadishu today on Saturday denied the rape allegations of the Somali girl who was said to be raped by an African soldier.
The spokesman of Amisom said, “ We are treating 300 Somali girl at Xalane hospital run by Amisom, it is untrue the reports indicating that an AU soldier raped a girl and an African soldier who isnot given training about Somali culture is not brought here”.
AMISOM is aware of the allegations leveled against its troops in reference to the alleged rape case in Maslah according to statement early this month to this case.
The AU mission strongly condemns any incidents of alleged sexual abuse or exploitation and takes the issue extremely serious as it reiterates the mission commitment to enhancing the safety of women and indeed protecting all Somali citizens.
AMISOM and Somali National Army have formed a joint team to investigate the matter of and appropriate action will be taken once the facts of the case have been established.
Training of good conduct and discipline particularly regarding sexual behavior, as well as an introduction to Somali culture are key elements of the extensive pre-deployment training received by every AMISOM soldier before they arrive.
The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) continues to conduct sensitization fora on prevention and response on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse for soldiers in all AMISOM areas of operations.
The rape allegation brought large condemnations from local people including the Somali federal government and outside the country especially human right group across the world calling for the Somali government and Amisom to investigate the case and bring those who behind to justice.
Source: allvoices


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