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Masar iyo Jabuuti oo ballan qaaday in ay bixinayaan ciidamada howlgalka Soomaaliya

Addis Ababa August 09, 2024(QJ) -Dowladda Masar ayaa ku dhawaaqday in ay ka qeyb qaadaneyso howlgalka cusub ee xasilinta Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AUSSOM), iyadoo ballan qaaday in cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamadooda ay u diri doonto Soomaaliya. Ciidamadan ayaa isugu jira cutubyo ku qalabeysan gaadiidka gaashaaman iyo kuwa daabula si ay u taageeraan howlgalka. Midowga […]

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Somalis trailed for terrorism in the US

TUCSON August 09, 2024(QJ)-Two Somali nationals living in Tucson, Arizona, have pleaded guilty to conspiring to join ISIS (Daesh). According to the U.S. Attorney for Arizona, Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 26, and Abdi Yemeni Hussein, 25, planned to travel to Egypt to fight for ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula starting in late 2018, before their arrest […]

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Feds and Member States discuss Somalia’s Economy

Mogadishu August 06, 2024(QJ) -The Minister of Finance of the Federal Government of Somalia, Bihi Iman Egeh, today opened the 22nd meeting of the Finance Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia, the Federal Member States, and the Banadir Regional Administration in Mogadishu. This meeting aims to discuss issues related to economic development, the financial […]

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Shabaab ka baxsaday xabsi ku yaal Gaalkacayo

Muqdisho August 05, 2024(QJ) –Wararka ka imaanaya waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Puntland ayaa sheegaya in xubno ka tirsan kooxda Al Shabaab ay xalay ka baxsadeen xabsi ku yaalla magaaladaasi. Dadkan baxsaday ayaa horay loogu xukumay dil iyo xabsi daa’in. 12 maxbuus oo xiriir la leh Al Shabaab ayaa ka baxsaday xabsi ku yaala waqooyiga Gaalkacyo. […]

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Turkiga iyo Itoobiya oo ka wadhadlay badda Soomaaliya

Addis Ababa August 05, 2024(QJ)-Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Turkiga Hakan Fidan oo shalay gaaray magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa la kulmay ra’iisul wasaare Abiy Axmed, sida ay sheegtay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee Turkiga. Turkiga ayaa sheegay in socdaalkan uu qeyb ka yahay dhex dhexaadinta Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ee lagu xalinayo khilaafka ka dhashay heshiiska […]

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Large protest held at Lido Beach in Mogadishu in response to the horrific attack

Tehran August 05, 2024 (QJ)-A protest was held at Lido Beach in Mogadishu in response to the horrific attack that occurred a few nights ago, where civilians were targeted. The demonstration saw participation from senior government officials, including MPs, ministers, the governor of Banaadir region, and various segments of society. They expressed condolences for the […]

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Iranian and Russian officials meet in Tehran

Tehran August 05, 2024 (QJ) -The Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, Sergei Shoigu, arrived today in the Iranian capital, Tehran, where he is expected to meet with high-ranking Iranian officials, including the recently inaugurated President Masoud Pezeshkian and senior officers of the Revolutionary Guards. According to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, the talks between […]

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Itoobiya oo Safiir u soo magacaabay Hargeysa

Addis Ababa August 04, 2024(QJ)- Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa ergey u soo magacawday magaalada Hargeysa, si loo wanaajiyo xiriirka ka dhaxeeya maamulka Somaliland iyo dowladda Federaalka Itoobiya. Madaxtooyada Itoobiya ayaa xaflad u qabatay safiirro uu dhawaan Madaxweyne Sahlework Zewde u soo magacaabay inay u metelaan Itoobiya dalal kala duwan oo ay Somaliland ka mid tahay. Teshome Shunde […]

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RW Xamse oo sheegay in lala xisaabtamo sarakiil lahaa masuuliyada weerarkii Liido

Muqdisho August 04, 2024 (QJ)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, Xamza Cabdi Barre, oo xalay booqday Isbitaalka Erdogan ee magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa kala hadlay tallaabooyinka adag ee lagula xisaabtamayo Saraakiisha ka mas’uulka ah goobihii ay Al-Shabaab weerartay. Wuxuu sidoo kale tacsi u diray ehelada iyo asxaabta dadkii ku dhintay weerarka. Xamza Cabdi Barre ayaa […]

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United States, the UK, France, Canada, and others have urged their citizens to leave Lebanon

Beirut August 04, 2024(QJ)  -Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for launching dozens of missiles at northern Israel. The group stated that this recent attack on northern Israel was a response to Israeli strikes on southern Lebanon, which they allege injured civilians in that region. Countries such as the United States, the UK, France, Canada, and others […]

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