
Turkey set to bring elders from Somalia/Somaliland to resume the stalled talks

download (1)ANKARA – The Turkish government plans to send officials from its ministry of foreign affairs to Hargeisa and Mogadishu.

The government of Turkey is reported to have put in place a new strategy for the Somaliland-Somalia talks.

Committees representing from both sides met in Istanbul for eight round talks which did not produce tangible results that may decide the future relations between Somalia and Somaliland.

The Turkish delegation from its foreign ministry officials are due to arrive in Somaliland and Somalia this week.

Somaliland government has been informed of Turkish senior ministry of foreign affairs who are due to come to Somaliland.

It is not yet known if Somaliland authority has been informed that since the dialogue was barren now that the Turkish gov’t will bring the traditional elders from both sides to resume the stalled talks in a bid to reach a lasting solution to the talks impasse.

The Turkish government officails are due to hold series of meeting with the traditional cheifs from Somaliland and Somalia.

Former Somaliland minister of finance, Mohamed Hashi Elmi has argued that Somaliland seceded from Somalia and the two countries cannot hold talks aimed at discussing the future ties between the two.

He went on to say that if the traditional elders attending the talks comes true then that will put a jeapordy into the secession and emacipation efforts claimed by Somaliland citizens.

Mr. Hashi has accused that this is politics that is practised by the current president of Somaliland, Ahmed Silanyo.


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