
Tribalism is holding back the progress for Somaliland

Tribalism is the state of being organized in, or advocating for tribes. Tribalism may also refer to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends, their country, or any other social group. The social structure of a tribe can vary greatly from case to case, but, due to the small size of tribes, it is always a relatively simple role structure, with few if any significant social distinctions between individuals. Tribalism implies the possession of a strong cultural or ethnic identity that separates one member of a group from the members of another group. It is a precondition for members of a tribe to possess a strong feeling of identity for a true tribal society to form. The distinction between these two definitions for tribalism is an important one because, while tribal society no longer strictly exists in the western world, tribalism, by this second definition, is arguably undiminished. People have postulated that the human brain is hard-wired towards tribalism.

Tribalism has a very adaptive effect in human development.. Humans are social animals, and ill-equipped to live on their own. Tribalism and ethnocentrism help to keep individuals committed to the group, even when personal relations may fray. his keeps individuals from wandering off or joining other groups. It also leads to bullying when a tribal member is unwilling to conform to the politics of the collective.Tribalism is one of the most disruptive influences confronting many places in Africa. Tribalism, they argue, is the basis for hatred between peoples within a country as well as between countries. There is little evidence; however, that tribal identity is on the wane, even among the most progressive elements within the newly created states. Furthermore, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that efforts to eliminate tribal identities may have contributed significantly in Somali-land.

Tribalism is barbaric and backwardness. It has been responsible for many deadly conflicts and wars across Africa including dangerous killings and genocide experienced in some countries in Rwandan, Nigeria’s Biafra, and Kenyan political violence and in Darfur. Tribalism can also be used to disadvantage a particular tribal individual or group from others has suffered this at the hands of the media. More so, tribalism can contribute to disunity and perpetuate inequality, discrimination and poverty. Tribalism can affect access to national resources and can promote selective distribution of national resources and development. Tribalism create unhealthy political power struggle based on unethical conduct. New tribalism develops nepotistic tendencies, as people belonging to a particular individual pledge their loyalty to that person in order to get favors in securing patronage or jobs in government and private sector. 

Consequently, there is general dissatisfaction among the cadres who are denied access to these privileges as a result creating internal wrangles fueled by interest groups loyal to the individual. Many people though that shifting from tribal society into political parties will minimize the effects tribalism, however it appears, it take different course. Tribalism is detrimental to the progress of any society and has been identified as the common counterproductive mechanism of attaining selfish motives.Equality should be a dominant aspect in any society. This is for the reason that justice and harmony prevails creating a united society.

Tribalism is described as violation of basic human rights of expression and free interaction with other people. Tribalism creates a society where the existence of opportunities is a thing of the past. In the short and long run, tribalism kills the basic moral components of any society. Tribalism is another form of discrimination and tribalism. Tribalism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns.

If democracy must prevail and benefit our society, then we must revisit our concept of democracy and understand that while democracy offers us freedom, and promise of a successful nation, it challenges us to be responsible citizens.  It is the responsibility of every citizen to ensure that the media, both public and private maintains independent and objective reporting, free from political influence, to ensure healthy and competitive democracy for multiparty and inter party democracy. New Tribalism must be weeded out to promote tolerance and national unity as we work together towards ideal democracy.Tribalism is very strong in Africa despite after 500 years of colonization. When Europeans landed in Africa 500 years ago they released two things.There were not countries borders in Africa but there were invisible ethnic group borders. But for Europeans to dominate and conquer Africa they used one tribe against another tribe because there were already rivalries among tribes in Africa.  

Europeans managed to achieve their goals and some Africans were captured and sold as slaves with help of some tribe’s chiefs. But at end white men killed all African tribe chiefs and occupied all Africa, divided it into countries and created new borders with diverse tribes in each country that we see today in Africa. Africa is not moving toward democracy.Whenever there is an election in any African country always ends up in controversy. Tribes issue is one of traditional is holding Somali-land  back, it’s time to begin to think more about black people and people then thinking about tribes that it’s creating division among society.In conclusion,  It’s time to push for democracy, human rights, good education system based in values and the basic conditions of living.The true is most of our population are living below poverty line and the politicians and their family members are living in palaces as the kings of tribes. We’re in 21th century and there are some children are still studying under trees in parts of Somali-land and therefore, as we needs change of mindset not just from tribal minded politicians, but also the pubic.


Ismail Yousuf


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