
The Refugee a Disaster or Men Power? By: Mohamed Abdilaahi Biihi.

biixi yare

A political challenge facing africa is the refugee problem.
It is to be recalled that at the time of indepedence, the people of africa had great expectations of that under political freedom, they would enjoy a free atmosphere and a good standard of living.
These were their modest dreams after the demise of colonoialism. But these expectations were frustrated by dictatorships, polotical persecutions, civil wars, droughts and femine, all of which gave rise to the outflow of refugees and internal displacement.

This had undermined the pan-african drive for african freedom and unity in a democratic environment. It also created a hopeless nations and desperate people, in some scenarios it is believed that africa will end up in a waste disposal areas since it is under excavation.

The refugee problem, generated by lack of peace, visionary leaders and stability. in many african countries it had aggrevated by political-economic crisis in africa.
This problem had been compounded by internally displaced persons.

At this time of writting my article, africa’s total refugee is approximately more than 9 million while internally dispalced persons as aresult of primarily man-made causes is estimated to be about fifteen million approximately.

In other words, in the past few years the somali refugees were dramatically increasing day after a day although i dont have an exact data about it.

At this stage, it becomes neccessary to define what is meant by the word ‘refugee’ for our intentions, refugees can be described as an indivituals who cross an international boundary with the aim of seeking protection and shelter from racial, religious, or political persecutions.

But in this scenario the somalis are one of the least fullfilling indivituals among there counterparts.

The problem of refugees is not a recent phenomena; it has existed from time immemorial and what makes it new and urgent recently is the vast increase of the refugee population in our era.

Specifically the somalis are one of the fast increasing migrants by cruising through the land up to to the vast oceans till they reach in to europe.

Hence, questions can be posed as to what are the root causes of the refugees fleeing from africa, especially from east, central and southern africa?.
There are various causes that lit the light to the flow of refugees: according to the OAU secretary-general’s report on root causes of refugee problem in africa(3rd-7th july,1990, addis ababa, ethopia) there are four major causes that produce refugee; intra-state conflict, internal conflicts,human and indivitual right abuses and national disasters and calamities.

Hence, according to all above stated reports and facts on the ground we still see that the out going of the somalis is a differrent method. Usually there is no religious descrimimation ,race segregation, personal abuse and political persecution but still they are flowing out!!!! So after i gathered a little poor information i have noticed that the main reasons that forced the somalis to be refugees specifically those from somaliland,region five,puntland(autonomous region in somalia) and djibouti is westernophilia by wishing that they will get a life easier than the one in their motherland and mostly it is not a goal oriented desire.

In the otherside the endless conflicts in somalia can be the biggest argument that can lead to a somali citizen to be accepted as a refugee.
So in oder to dimish all of these which is a problem to both africa and europe we need to play a win win plan which could lead the reduction of famine, conflicts and illiteracy in africa, aswell as the reduction of the foreign interventions from the powerfull nations of europe and america.

Otherwise these increasing number of refugees will lead to europe the same restless acts in africa.
Also they will dominate in europe lastly and then all europians will be eradicted and africans will be the leaders and the first citizens of that countries.

Finally, iam expecting a good future for the african nations in the coming 10 years by expecting that a few young and talented leaders will emerge from the heart of africa also iam worry of that this continent will be checked out and will remain a waste disposal site.

Mohamed abdilaahi.
Addis-ababa, ethopia.

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