
The pirate nobody wants

Abdulahi Ahmed Guelleh, 36, was freed on 30 November 2011. Just before midnight the warders at La Santé prison in Paris, where he had been locked up for several months, threw him out. He was frightened, and did not want to leave. He knows very little about France, even though he has spent more than three years there, chained up for “acts of piracy” off the Somali coast. Since his release, Guelleh has been staying in a cheap hotel on the outskirts of Paris (paid for by Somalis living in France), afraid to leave his small room. “He is completely lost. Everything is foreign to him here, particularly the language,” said his lawyer, Florent Loyseau de Grandmaison. It is hardly surprising he feels lost: his only experience of France has been prison walls, warders and the violence of other inmates. “His situation is unprecedented,” said his lawyer. “He finds himself in a country he did not want to come to, with no identity papers or proof of having entered the country, and which he cannot leave.”

“This is what happens when you allow the army to snatch people from their own country, take them away without any preliminary investigation and try them,” said another lawyer working on the case. Guelleh and five compatriots were arrested by the French military in the early hours of 16 September 2008 on board a 16-metre ketch, the Carré d’As IV, in Somali waters. Two weeks earlier a French couple, Jean-Yves and Bernadette Delanne, had been sailing the yacht to France when they were taken hostage in an area with a high incidence of piracy (1). One Somali was killed in the raid. The other six were held in unclear circumstances by the French army for a week, then flown to Paris (2).

Only two of them had taken part in the attack on the Carré d’As. The others had joined them when they had changed crews, and at stops along the African coast. Guelleh only arrived the day before the commando raid: he had been fishing in the area when the yacht’s hijackers told him to give them some fish, before persuading him to spend the night on board. After a difficult 38 months on remand (3) and a 15-day trial in Paris last November, Guelleh was acquitted; his five co-accused were sentenced to between four and eight years, far less than the prosecution had demanded. The period of remand had been particularly long: Belgium has brought similar cases to trial in eight months, the Netherlands in 18, Spain in 19. 

The prosecution had presented these men as dangerous terrorists, but the trial revealed that they were just following the orders of a powerful local man, who was identified but never investigated. In court, Delanne, an experienced sailor, remarked on their amateurism: “They were seasick,” he said. His wife added: “They weren’t at all prepared. They had nothing on them [apart from weapons]”. They both described how the hijackers looked scared when Delanne got angry. He even managed to impose strict rules (no smoking in the cabin or eating on deck) and taught them fishing techniques. When they were looking for petrol, he suggested they ask the local fishermen. 

The end of the trial was surreal, with the victims kissing their abductors and wishing them “a new and happy life”. Delanne delivered his own verdict: “I always said [Guelleh] had nothing to do with our abduction.” The others were guilty, he said, but were just “kids out of their depth.”

The authorities did not appreciate his or the jury’s leniency. The public prosecutor appealed against the sentences and Guelleh’s acquittal, arguing they were “not equal to the gravity of the acts of piracy which have led the international community, and particularly France, to mobilise considerable military resources”. The men’s lawyers see this as an admission: “This is no longer about justice, but about managing this issue politically,” said de Grandmaison. Little was mentioned during the trial of Somalia’s social and political situation. But how could the trial not have been political, the lawyers ask, when President Sarkozy’s speech, praising the French intervention, was included as evidence? Guelleh’s acquittal, if confirmed on appeal, will seem a condemnation of the government’s attitude to the region where, according to a member of the Somali consulate in Paris, “they think they can do anything”.

by Rémi Carayol

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