
Somaliland: Morgan appointed as Prime Minister’s advisor on military affairs


MOGADISHU—- Mr. Mohamed Said Hersi Morgan who committed crimes against humanity in Somaliland arrives in Mogadishu yesterday. The current Somalia Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke has appointed Morgan as his adviser on military affairs. Sources close to the office of Somalia’s PM has confirmed that Morgan is being called to come to Mogadishu to offer his military experience to the efforts of Omar Sharmarke’s aim to rebuild Somalia’s Military Force.

Efforts are underway in Somalia to rebuild the dismantled Somalia’s military forces who are expected to replace the AMISOM forces that are battling against the Al Qaida affiliated group of Al Shabab. Mr. Morgan who is the son-in-law of former military leader Said Bare held the minister for defense. He was labelled as the “Butcher of Hargeisa” for his crimes against civilians. Somaliland is seeking for his extradition to face justice and should bring him before a court of law for the past crimes that he committed in the 1988. Somaliland authority should speak against that such a war criminal be allowed to hold office in Somalia once again.


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