
Public Misinforma​tion and Propaganda​-Rejoinder to: All Doors are slammed on “Somalilan​d’s” Secessioni​st Faces by Mohamed Yabarag

Ronald Reagan famously said to Jimmy Carter in a presidential debate “there you go again”, to contest what he perceived to be an inaccurate narrative of his public record by Mr. Carter. In the spirit of that famous quote I must say there you go again Mr. Yabarag. If you repeat a lie enough it becomes the reality of the uninformed and a nutrient to the deficient mind. Its only benefactors become the doers of death, destruction and evil.  If one takes the time to read all of Mr Yabarag articles one will discover the fascinating similarities in tone and in content as well as its acute over the top exaggeration of the facts. The only window or door that is near shut is the unionist plan to sabotage Somaliland democratic growth. Mr Yabarag contribution can perhaps be channeled toward creating a durable co-habitation plan between the unionist and the former warlord who are currently in charge of Somalia.
 While I have a deep profound respect for his freedom of expression, it should not however in any shape of form consider most of work factual based information. MR Yabarag has been bestowed with the honorable title of Wardheernews.com contributor. Thus far his contribution to the honorable news site has been, in my humble opinion a text book propaganda based campaign against a democratic and peaceful nation.
The author’s writing is reminiscent of pre-Rwanda genocide propaganda and the dehumanization strategy of Joseph Goebbels.  While I do not believe his intention is to incite tribal war I am afraid the end result of the unionist propaganda can lead to regrettable and unfortunate political discourse. The Republic of Somaliland has the durable institutions and democratically inspired leadership that can withstand the barrage of inaccurate statements coming from aboard. However, it is the Diaspora that must be vigilant against the unruly unionist and there manipulative agenda.
To be received as reality a propaganda must evoke the interest of an audience and must be transmitted through an attention-getting communications medium, it must heighten the anxiety, frustration and fear of the recipient through perceived or minimal infraction.” one-clan secessionist state ……Isaq the SNM Clan in the Centre ….The communities of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn as well as Makhir have always detested the idea of one-clan state being erected in their backyard”.  The author’s articles reads like the Hutu Ten Commandments published in a Hutu journal called kangura. These Ten Commandments consider Hutus who cooperated with the Tutsi in any manner as a traitor. Mr. Yabarag constant fixation with perceived tribal dissatisfaction and political discontentment based on imaginary clan issues in the Republic is nothing more than an attempt by the unionist to lay the foundation for the exportation of the incurable diseases which have ailed Somalia over the past two decades.   In times of soul searching and peace keeping why would anyone stoke the fears of the uninformed to disturb a hard earned peace and balanced prosperity?
 I find it comical when the author takes the liberty of advising Somaliland government on foreign affairs. “I hope the current politicians of “Somaliland” will redeem themselves and initiate a constructive dialogue with their counterparts in Mogadishu”. Are you kidding me, what would be the topic of the day?  Does the author truly believes that the TFG has any sort of political or leadership legitimacy in Somalia. Perhaps Mr. Yabarag assumes the TFG acceptance of foreign invasion has earned them enough creditability to be seated at the same table as democratically elected officials of Somaliland.
 I have come to realize Mr. Yabarag utter disregards for the people of Somaliland and its leadership but at least have the common decency to give some differentiations in basic human elements between a legitimate government and IGAD appointed expats. 
TO The People of Somaliland
The Republic of Somaliland and its entire population is on the right path, a path to democracy and peace guided by virtues based on tradition and common goals.  While some might view the rebirth of the second republic, the restoration of dignity and humanity to millions of oppressed people as an exclusive endeavor. The citizens of Somaliland enjoy today peace and freedom through under the creation of a government that is accountable and transparent. It is never too late to contribute to the democratic growth of your nation. If your voice has not been heard before now is the time to speak for the continuation of the peace and development that has taking root in Somaliland.  Do not fall prey to those who wish to deprive you of the peace and property which they enjoy in foreign land. Many of you have seen the evil of dictatorship and the agony of leaderless governing? Do not let the un-invested few destroy what you have built through shared sacrifice and determination. There is no greater recognition than that of self determination through God given rights. Stand for democracy, stand in unity and hold firm to your principals of equality and justice for all. Let your democratic foundation be the pillars which strengthen your national morality and all the functionaries of your government. Do not become an easy conquest to those who can now barely hold you in check when united.  The plat form is yours use it wisely and use it for peace and brotherly love.
I hope in the near future Mr. Yabarag would entertain us with an analysis that demands close examination of the past and present, with disciplined generosity to the years ahead. May Allah bless Somaliland and its people and may he give peace and prosperity to Somalia.
Diriye H Abdilahi
Peace and Milk

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