
Prime Minister discusses issues of mutual concern with Kenyan Foreign Minister

His Excellency Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed today held a side meeting during the IGAD Drought Resilience Summit with Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed. The Prime Minister expressed sympathy for the lives lost in the terror attacks in Mombasa and condemned the attackers. The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister discussed the situation of refugees following the decision by the Kenya Government that all refugees must return to camps and other issues of mutual concern.

The two parties emphasized the close collaboration between the parliamentarian institutions of the two countries and the need to speed up the work of the Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC).

Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, said:

“Somalia and Kenya have both suffered at the hands of terrorism and we share their security concerns in our battle with a common enemy- Al-Shabaab. Those who commit these attacks in the name of Islam should know that there is nothing Islamic in their actions and in particular attacks on all sacred places of any religion.

“Our two countries have many issues of mutual concern and benefit to each other. We have always had strong brotherly relations between our two peoples and governments and we will continue to work together to secure both our nations from the threat of terrorism. The Somali and Kenyan governments will maintain its work towards implementing the tripartite agreement on voluntary repatriation of refugees.”

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