


 (KampalaSDN)    At the initiation of the local council  administration the faction of the municipality of Hagaisa were severally effected seriously power straggle the removed attention for schedule framework   the  leader of local government/council in Hargaisa district it focused on conflict between internal elected council that is refused to start within their responsibility   and also the most aspect of the situation a  central government are make particular intervention about duties elected members of local government council, either  Somaliland changed tradition system after accept democratic system the government had  implemented democratic system against half dozen part  either elected three party ( Ucid, Kulmiye, UduB,) and also Elected members of  local government/council in all Somaliland district,  here a possibility problems are related lack of knowledge about democratic way,

 lack of experience within new institution  caused conflict between public administration and public management  government specially a involve local government/council, such us ministry interior  that are not understood a legal framework and institution work within democratic system or power delegation  that is not only but there are extra conflict between elected members council Hargaisa  district The problem here is one of controlling the input into experimental situation in order to see what changes cause particular alternations in behavior so Moyer of Hargaisa Eng. HUSSEIN M. Jiciir  were considered or preferable to make a research to  solve that problem,                                                   research  have been create a new invention or new idea to development social issue,

However  the  Executive council  to oversee the   operation  day to day activities  city and also he was  defining  mission  statement supported by strategy plan with defined goals and objectives within high performance to get greet result, and also he proposed the policy and procedures  planning  and strategy  to achieve  achievement  within their city development .  efforts underway to create a high performance organization culture  and  also shared authority  and Decision making with the Moyer and local Council , Management  and  secretary, the next council will not found  other procedure they will use easy for planning and strategic was prepared first local government/ council in Hargaisa capital Somaliland  

Chairman of local government/ council  has been accepted to  maintain or building  skills and  recruitments  administration  knowledge  within  their  local  government  staffs  to  remove forward  for  city activities  or  provide  real  performance,

The Moyer of Hargaisa appointed new  employees  and  determined  employee  composition  in addition,  executive council were peppered   annual budget that include revenue include revenue expenditure and to receive complete text rate projection upcoming  fiscal years because of we know it, financial management practices were a very old fashioned manual system – and often an erroneous one,  new administration should be change modern system are available now, so  insufficient financial resource, it means poor service, when we make  enough financial resource it possibly  to do some thing about public service, so we cannot say a financial resource received is enough, but the local government management  were try to do the best way to upgrading tax rate, comes from the collateral tax, now we can say  local council has been make the best way to achieve financially objectives revenue to implement public services, in opposition to maintained local government staffs and also planning upgrading tax revenue,

It is very important to remembered the old level of local government technical facilities ,it was  very poor at that time, but the  Moyer jiciir should be thinking to  created a environment are suitable to performance within their responsibilities,  this new administration  strategy to develop technically  to facilitate with their task, local government administration should be buy a new technical such like

v  Established  New building

oversee Local government leadership was thought to established new building  main center were they support financially for international aid agency are working together so now local government council have enough build and spaces for example city Hall, offices and also created parallel build every  district to maintained old and created new build, this is a kind to meet suitable daily activities within their public services

v   maintaining supplies, equipments, offices 

the other hand maintaining equipment offices it eligible or having necessary things challenges good facilities, every person born or living in hargaisa before elected council in hargaisa not far to remember the level, and you can compare current level,  oversee the pig developed to achieved office building, and it also remaining many things to need to discus but we shouldn’t conclude so we put remain detail only that means to remember our beloved hargaisa city administration      

v  Trucks,  caterpillars , public cars

v  Enough spaces, offices, city Hall,

v  Public build , market and entrepreneurs

v   Social security  

v  Live stock Market in hargaisa

Changes it needs educated leader,  so Local government council have success to watch organize a jop an activity to make a certain that it’s staffs done correctly, and oversee to  build a new building to perform  generally work in Hargaisa  capital city to provided public service,  All that thing are very important

This is the greatest Moyer of Hargaisa in history certain, exact so impressive about their society the effect and efficiency of the public service,

( The Moyer’s of Hargaisa in history, This is the greatest certain, exact so impressive about their society the effect and efficiency of the public service


Nasir Ali Kabadhe

Free writer   

Master of Development Administration Management

Kampala International  University




Wariye khadarbitijoor@hotmail.com


 Xafiiska Kampala/ugandha

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