
Letter of Support to the New President of Somalia

To: H.E. Prof. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia

Villa Somalia, Mogadishu, Somalia


September 17, 2012


Letter of Support to the New President of Somalia

All praise is due to Allah who granted us an opportunity to open a new chapter of hope and affect positive change by selecting a new president and successfully ending the transitional period on September 10, 2012.  We ask Allah to help the new president lead us to peace, justice, complete sovereignty and unity insha Allah.


Your Excellency,


We, the undersigned Somali citizens both in the Diaspora and inside Somalia, are very pleased to write to you to congratulate you and to express our wholehearted support for your election as the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia. Your election brings to an end the reign of successive transitional governments and opens a new chapter of hope, justice, economic recovery, social cohesion, and the establishment of a permanent government in Somalia.


Your Excellency,


Your reputation as an untainted Somali intellectual and established social entrepreneur and your commitment to public service delivery at some of the most critical periods of Somalia were the basis for the overwhelming mandate conferred upon you by the Somali parliament and outpouring of support for your leadership from around the world. Both your election and the Somali people’s full support for your Presidency should serve as an indication that the Somali people are determined to end anarchy and restore the rule of law throughout the country.


Your Excellency,


Our country is in extreme danger and difficulty which requires fresh minds filled with wisdom to tackle all the major problems facing our nation.
Therefore, we remind you that you always remember and fear Allah so that Allah will open doors of wisdom which will help you and your team come up with ways out of our two decade old crisis.


Your Excellency,


Your administration’s success, and by extension, the future prospects of a prosperous and peaceful Somalia, will depend on how much you stay close to Allah. We remind you Allah’s verse:


{And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).  And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things.} (At-Talaq 65: 2-3


Your Excellency,


On different occasions you made powerful speeches in which you advocated for the need to attain a holistic change and transformation of our socio-economic and political landscape in order to imagine and realize a new Somalia. Therefore, Allah has just put power in your hands as a tool for your use to affect the change that you imagined. We passionately hope that you will wisely use this tool to establish a system of law and order which brings peace and stability and respects for human rights at every level in our society in Somalia.


We hope you will take lessons from the mistakes of previous governments.  As such, we would like to conclude our letter with the following key proposals:

1.       Define your government and leadership style by articulating a broad and coherent vision for the nation that appeals to the conscience of citizens to sustain the momentum and public goodwill for your election. A coherent message of this nature will have the impact of retaining the faith of the Somali people and reassuring friends of Somalia that we are determined to end our dark past and start a brighter new chapter.

2.       Provide leadership in rebuilding Somalia’s security sector and set achievable timelines for the stabilization of all parts of the country. You should see to it that Somalia takes responsibility for providing security to its citizens and securing its sea and land borders.  The Somali people are industrious and resourceful if given a secure space to function and your leadership is paramount in attaining the goal of a secure Somalia.

3.       Facilitate the appraisal of the provisional constitution that was adopted recently to ensure that all of its provisions comply with Sharia law and represent the will of the Somali people. As the primary custodian of the constitution, Mr. President you are required to pay due consideration to its review process and its completion before the universal suffrage in 4 years time. This would involve among others the establishment of an independent institution that will carry out a national census aimed at implementing the national referendum as well as allocating the number of MPs in the Parliament without the use of the 4.5 formula. The 4.5 clan based formula is undemocratic, unfair, and marginalizes merit and competence and the country should do away with this system as soon as possible.

4.       Establish an independent judiciary system that is not influenced by either the legislative or executive branch.  This judiciary system must be free to make decisions based upon law, not upon individuals or pressure from any individuals or powerful groups or government entities.  Only this type of independent judiciary system will guarantee an equal justice to all.  The government should provide a reliable security for Somali Judges so they are free from influence and can make fair and honest decisions about cases without fear of retaliation from anyone and groups. An independent judiciary can serve as a catalyst for reliable rule of law and corruption-free government that enjoys the trust of its citizenry.

5.       Appoint a Prime Minister with integrity who is both competent to move the government agenda forward and who, at the same time, can galvanize the support and trust of the Somali people. Your choice of a Prime Minister is the first litmus test on your capacity to lead Somalia and your judgment. May Allah help you as you weigh your options and nominate a leader who can nominate an equally competent and lean government that can deal with the pressing issues facing our time.

6.       Take bold steps building a broader reconciliation strategy by reaching out to all Somali regions and communities, understanding their fears and desires, and reassuring them of your government’s commitment to bringing this nation together by representing the collective will of the Somali people. Continue talks with Somaliland and extend the engagement to all other regions and groups.

7.       Somali women have long been marginalized in the trenches of government and your administration is expected to alter this trend by including more women in the upcoming cabinet and other senior government appointments. This should herald a new era of cohesion within the Somali society and respect for your government’s commitment to building inclusive institutions where both men and women are guaranteed equal access to opportunities and equal rights to participate in decision making at all levels.




We are always ready to support you in all of your efforts to steer Somalia towards justice, good governance, and complete sovereignty.


Your sincerely,


Names of supporters:


1.              Prof. Hassan Mohamud (X. Jaamici)- MN, USA

2.              Jibril Mohamed- Ohio, USA

3.              Avv. Issa Ahmed Warsame- London, UK

4.              Gen. Ahmed Jama Moose- VA, USA

5.              Sh. Mohamed Ahmed Nur (Garyare)- Ontario, Canada

6.              Sh. Mohamed Yusuf Sh. Hassan –Ontario, Canada

7.              Prof. Hussein Warsame, Calgary, Canada

8.              Dr. Abdiwahab Tarey, CA, USA

9.              Dr. Qasim Hirsi Farah, Toronto, Canada

10.              Sh. Abdullahi Mohamed Hassan, Rochester, MN

11.              Mohamed Ali Qoorey, Rochester, MN

12.              Halima Abdi Sheikh, Rochester, MN

13.              Mohamud Macalin Ahmed, Rochester, MN

14.              Ali Omar Ghedi, Toronto, Canada

15.              Dr. Hassan A. Hussein (Geology), AlKhobar, Saudi Arabia

16.              Dr. Ali Mohamed Ali, China

17.              Zainab Mohamed Hassan (Zainab-Sirad), New Brighton, MN

18.              Abdulkadir Addow, Blaine, MN/Mogadishu, Somalia

19.              Abdirashid A. Gayre, Michigan, USA

20.              Dr. Mohamed Wadi, Minneapolis, MN

21.              Ahmed Shill, Minneapolis, MN

22.              Saciid Abdullahi (Saciid Soomaali), Minneapolis, MN

23.              Nur Bahal, Toronto, Canada

24.              Macalin Omar Gedi, Roshester, MN

25.              Kassim Abdulkadir Busuri-MN, USA

26.              Abdiya S. Ahmed- VA, USA

27.              Omar Mohamed Abdulle-London, UK

28.              Abukar Sanei-Ohio, USA

29.              Osman Hassan, Geneva, Switzerland

30.              Hassan Hilowle (Geology)-MN, USA

31.              Hassan Hussein-MN, USA

32.              Kenadid Abdurahman, USA

33.              Abdirahman Abdi Burke -VA. USA

34.              Hassan Haji Ibrahim- London, UK

35.              Eng. Mohamed Ali Mohamed-London, UK

36.              Ismail D. Osman-Ohio, USA

37.              Mohamed Nur Darwish-VA, USA

38.              Ali Mohamed Artan-CA, USA

39.              Asha-ruun Ahmed Hassan- MN, USA

40.              Abdirahman Jahawayn-MN, USA

41.              Habiba Ahmed Hassan (Sayrukh)- Nairobi, Kenya

42.              Col. Maxamed Cali Buuxow- Sana`a, Yemen

43.              Abdubakar Abdi-MN, USA

44.              Amina Hassan- MN, USA

45.              Ahmed Elmi Muhumad, Nairobi, Kenya

46.              Mohamed Hussein (Gudbaaye), Nairobi,Kenya

47.              Eng. Ali Omar- NC, USA

48.              Mohamed Haji Ingriis- London, UK

49.              Hussein Nur Darwish –VA, USA

50.              Mohamed Shire Huubse- OH, USA

51.              Ali Mohamud Ali- MN, USA

52.              Mohamed Ali Hassan- Washington DC, USA

53.              Mustafa Salwe Columbus- OH, USA

54.              Abdikheyr Soofe, Ohio, USA

55.              Mohamud Abdirahman Sheik- MN, USA

56.              Mohamed Barre (Junly)- MN, USA

57.              Dr. Fakrudin Mohamed- MN, USA

58.              Sakawadin Mohamed- MN, USA

59.              Ahmed Sabrie Said- Doha, Qatar

60.              Liban Abdulkadir Zoppe- Toronto, Canada

61.              Mohamud M Uluso- Michigan, USA

62.              Bashi Jibril- Toronto, Canada

63.              Abdulkani R. Barrow-Ontario, Canada

64.              Abdirahman Abdulle Said

65.              Hussein A. Ahmed-Gendish

66.              Abdulkadir Gutale

67.              Mohamed Ahmed Amir-Mogadishu, Somalia

68.              Mohamed Abubakar Alpha –VA, USA

69.              Mohamoud A. Gaildon, WI, USA

70.              Mohamed Isse Mudey- MN, USA

71.              Abukar M Mohamud- London, UK

72.              Abdirhaman Farah (Luunge)-London, UK

73.              Sabra Halane- MN, USA

74.              Dr. Abullahi Osman Ali (Carays)

75.              Abdulkadir Said Esse -Wash. DC USA

76.              Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Tenis –Toronto, Canada

77.              Dr. Abdi Mohamed Ulusso, USA

78.              Harun Mohamed Ali, Sana’a, Yemen

79.              Abdulkadir Mohamed Ali, Sana’a,  Yemen

80.              Aini Ga`al- Cairo, Egypt

81.              Osman Abdirahman –MN, USA

82.              Abdisalan Hassan –MN, USA

83.              Dahir Cali Buuxow, Mogadishu, Somalia

84.              Cabdullahi Hassan- Mogadishu, Somalia

85.              Cabdisalam Cali Mohamud- Mogadishu, Somalia

86.              Abdikariim M. Ali –Boston, MA, USA

87.              Yusuf Cali Buuxow-Mogadishu, Somalia

88.              Naima Abdisalam, St. Paul, MN

89.              Mohamed Abdulkadir Ali, St.  Paul, MN

90.              Salahuddin Hassan Ali, St. Paul, MN

91.              Idil Salah, Ottawa, Canada

92.              Abdulkadir Busuri Sh.Abduaziz, Mankato, MN

93.              Fadumo Ahmed Abukar, Mankato, MN

94.              Yusuf Sh. Hassan, Muqdishu, Somalia

95.              Ruqiya Mohamed Abdi Dahir, Eden Prairie, MN

96.              Dr. Shukria Dini, Nairobi, Kenya

97.              Maryan Hassan Amalow, Michigan, USA

98.              Abdirahman Yare, Kuwait City, Kuwait

99.              Hussein Abdi Abubakar, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

100.              Ubah Ahmed Hassan, Nairobi, Kenya

101.              Mohamoud Hassan, Ottawa, Canada

102.              Fowsia Abdulkadir, Ottawa, Canada

103.     Asha-Kin F. Du’ale, London, UK

104.              Daud Ed Osman, Rochester, MN

105.              Sahid Mohamed Ali “Qodhob”, Ohio, USA

106.              Ahmed M. Ali “Kiimiko”, Den Haag, Nederland

107.              Mohamoud I. Adan, Nairobi, Kenya

108.              Ahmed Makaraan, Edminton, Canada

109.     Ambss. Abdullahi Abdiaziz Hassan, Minneapolis, MN

110.     Abdirahman Abdirahman, London, UK

111.     Dr. Abdi Greek, London, UK

112.     Haji Cabdow Macaane Mowlaana, Gothenburg, Sweden

113.     Duniyo Sheikh Ahmed, Columbus, OH

114.     Nadifo Abdi Dirie, Ottawa, Canada

115.     Sindiya Abdinur Darman, Ohio, USA

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