International Contact Group on Somalia in Rome Final Communiqué
The 22nd meeting of the International Contact Group (ICG) on Somalia
was held from 2-3 July 2012 in Rome under the chairmanship of the United
Nations Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia, Dr
Augustine Mahiga, together with the ICG Co-chairs (Norway and the USA).
The Italian Foreign Minister, Giulio Terzi, Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden
of the Transitional Federal Parliament of the Republic of Somalia, Prime
Minister Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali of the Transitional Federal Government of
the Republic of Somalia and representatives of Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu
Sunna Wal Jama’a addressed the meeting.
Political Process
The ICG reviewed progress on the political track, and reiterated its firm
determination that the Transition ends on 20 August 2012 in accordance with
the Transitional Federal Charter, Djibouti Agreement, Kampala Accord,
Roadmap and subsequent consultative meetings. In particular, the ICG
welcomed agreement among the Principals at their meeting in Nairobi on 22
June on a final draft Constitution. This will now go to the National Constituent
Assembly for provisional adoption.
The ICG expressed concern over repeatedly missed deadlines and
urged the Somali stakeholders to adhere to the latest timelines, including for
the opening (12 July) and closing (20 July) of the National Constituent
Assembly, selection (15 July) and induction (20 July) of the new Federal
Parliament, and election of the Speaker/Deputies (4 August) and President
(20 August). The ICG called for the immediate activation of the Elders’
Arbitration Committee, Roadmap Signatories Coordination Office, Technical
Facilitation Committee and Technical Selection Committee and for the earliest
possible conclusion of the selection process. With regard to the Federal
Parliament, the Group welcomed the need for the new body to meet Somali
people’s expectations, especially in terms of the quality and commitment of its
Members, gender balance, more effective working practices and ability to hold
the executive arm of government to account. A joint legislative workplan
should be developed between the new Parliament and Government, including
with a view to strengthening the legislative framework for the promotion and
protection of human rights and transitional justice.
The ICG noted the joint UN/AU/IGAD open letter of 1 May, warning all
would-be spoilers that anyone obstructing the peace process would be
referred to the IGAD Council of Ministers and possibly also to the UN
Monitoring Group with a view to the imposition of sanctions.
The ICG noted progress in many areas of the Roadmap, and called for
the remaining tasks to be completed on time.
For the time being, the focus isrightly on ending the Transition on schedule. But the Group invited the next Government of Somalia within sixty days of its formation to set out its prioritiesand associated resource requirements with a view to securing internationalsupport.
As a first step, the Group agreed to hold a preliminary, high-level
discussion on emerging priorities in the margins of the United Nations General
Assembly in September.
The ICG condemned the recent violent attack against places of worship
in Kenya and the kidnapping of aid workers.
The Group offered to assist in building support inside Somalia for
respect for all human rights and the rule of law.
Security The ICG commended recent further military advances by the African
Union Mission in Somalia, TFG forces and their allies including Ethiopia in
response to continuing aggression by Al Shabaab, and paid tribute to
AMISOM troop contributing countries and Somali security forces. The Group
reiterated its condolences and support to the families of all those who have
lost their lives in the fighting. While acknowledging the improvement by
AMISOM in the protection of civilians, the Group called upon all actors to
ensure protection of civilians with particular attention to women and children.
The Group also called for unimpeded access to humanitarian assistance by all
persons in need.
During the course of the meeting, the ICG witnessed the signature by
Hussein Arab Isse (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the
TFG) and Dr Augustine Mahiga (Special Representative of the United Nations
Secretary-General for Somalia) of a Plan of Action on Children Associated
with Armed Forces.
The ICG welcomed the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution
2036, which expanded the operations and support package for AMISOM and
raised its troop ceiling. The Group welcomed the new uniformed personnel
from Djibouti, Kenya, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. The Group also welcomed
TFG efforts to unify Somali forces under national command and control. The
Group acknowledged the pressing need for more and better coordinated
international assistance for both AMISOM and Somali security forces,
especially from new donors. The Group also urged the TFG with support from
the United Nations and AMISOM to put in place quickly arrangements for
reintegrating former combatants and supporting their dependants as a prelude
to full-scale demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration. At the same time,
the Group called upon Al Shabaab and all other armed opposition groups
constituting terrorist threats to renounce violence and to embrace the peace
Over the next few years, Somalia will need to take increased
responsibility for its own security including through budgeting and paying for
salaries. The ICG called on the Somali authorities to expedite the
development of Somali security forces.
The President of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia
reported on recent developments. The ICG recalled the Final Statement of
the Dubai Second High Level Public-Private Counter Piracy Conference held
on 28 June, which inter alia called for the development of regional and
national maritime capacity and for participants to respect relevant international
law related to fighting piracy in international waters.
As large parts of south and central Somalia come under the control of
the Government, there is a need to provide urgent and substantive support for
stabilisation and the development of effective regional, district and local
administrations through democratic and popular participation to prevent a
power vacuum. This support must continue beyond the Transition. The ICG
welcomed the ongoing development by the TFG of a strategy for
Reconciliation and Stabilisation, and agreed that it should form the basis of
the framework for international coordination. It agreed that partners should
better coordinate with the Government their activities in the newly-recovered
areas as well as in Mogadishu. The ICG recognised that both national and
international partners needed to increase and align their efforts to strengthen
credible and legitimate local administrations. The Group also discussed an
Italian document on District-Based Peace-Building, which could provide a
source of inspiration for future programmes. It noted the importance of
restoring dispute resolution mechanisms and promoting local and national
reconciliation, including through dialogue, within the framework of stabilisation.
The Group acknowledged the progress made by the regional
administrations especially in security and governance, including in Somaliland,Puntland and Galmudug and territories under the administration of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a. These efforts should continue to be encouraged and
The ICG also agreed on the need to support the comprehensive
development of the independent justice sector in Somalia, in particular by
increasing support for access to justice for women and vulnerable groups in
addition to gender responsive policing, justice and corrections throughout the
country based on both formal and informal systems of justice, adherence to
international standards for justice and human rights (including in the fight
against terrorism) and dialogue throughout the process with Somali civil
society. It also agreed to support the re-establishment of justice and rule of
law services in the newly-recovered areas.
International Coordination
The ICG welcomed the outcome of three major conferences which
have taken place since its last meeting in February. The first, in London, gave
fresh impetus to the political process, increased support for AMISOM and
Somali security forces, and reinvigorated efforts to tackle piracy and terrorism.
A Mutual Accountability Board, which should help to improve mutual financial
transparency and mutual accountability and to combat corruption, now needs
to be discussed among all relevant Somali and international stakeholders.
The second, in Istanbul, usefully underscored the importance of reconciliation,
institution-building and reconstruction. In particular, the conference
highlighted the need for large-scale multi-year funding for infrastructure
projects, state-building and uninterrupted delivery of basic services and
welcomed the establishment of a multi-donor trust fund for post-Transition
financing. The third, in Dubai, will help to improve the coordination of our
collective efforts to eradicate piracy by means of a comprehensive approach
on land as well as at sea, including capacity-building.
In anticipation of the end of the Transition and in order to make our
collective efforts in support of Somalia even more effective, the ICG agreed
further to explore a number of improvements to its working methods, including
the possible establishment of an inter-sessional working group covering the
Political Process and strengthened links with existing bodies dealing with
Development, Justice and Security.
The International Contact Group thanked the Government of the
Republic of Italy for hosting this meeting, and welcomed an offer from South
Africa to host the next meeting in early 2013.
African Union, Belgium, Burundi, Canada, China, Denmark, Djibouti, East
African Community, Egypt, Ethiopia, European Union, Finland, France,
Germany, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, International
Development Law Organisation, Islamic Development Bank, Italy, Japan,
Kenya, Korea (Republic), League of Arab States, Netherlands, North Atlantic
Treaty Organisation, Norway, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, Somalia (TFG, TFP, Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlu Sunna Wal
Jama’a), South Arica, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda,
United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Nations, United States of
America and the World Bank.