
Every time Kulmiye party has overcome from crisis, the party falls to another crisis deeper or worse than the earlier one

The word crisis originated from Greek origin and it is an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community, or whole society. Crises are deemed to be negative changes in the politically, socially or economically. Crisis is the situation of a complex system (family, economy, society) when the system functions poorly, an immediate decision is necessary, but the causes of the dysfunction are not known. Situation of a complex system – simple systems do not enter crises. We can speak about a crisis of moral values, an economical or political crisis, and function. The system still functions, but does not break down. An immediate decision is necessary to stop the further disintegration of the system. A personal crisis can occur when events of an extraordinary nature trigger extreme tension and stress within an individual which require major decisions or actions to resolve.


A crisis situation can revolve around a dangerous situation such as extreme weather conditions or a medical emergency or long-term illness. A crisis can also be related to a change in events that comprise the day-to-day life of a person and those in their close circle. Such situations may be loss of a job; extreme financial hardship; alcoholism or addiction and others. With regard the current issue of my concern, it is certain and no thought that, the current government has achieved successive progress for almost all domains necessary for human development and the last one is trip in which the president and his delegation have traveled across the whole country from west point Saylac to far east point Lasqoray to see from witness point of view the circumstance and the living conditions for the people lived for the places visited, so that the assistance required by these people be extended to them.   


Despite of this progress, it is unfortunate the party that formed the government has not parallel moved along the direction of the government which paved the progress mentioned in the above. Every time the Kulmiye party has overcome from one crisis, the party fall another crisis more dangerous than the previous crisis. This indicates that, this party does not have common interest, but group, personal or tribal interest.

Many times in the past, the party crisis was resolved after the intervention of the government. At present their current crisis what spoiled the party image in the front public will not be solved unless the government leadership intervene. The reason that we establish the political parties is to immigrate from tribal society to democracy society based on parties system.

It is unfortunate that, the party has put into practice for the old tribal ideology based on tribalism in which the society was developed from. This  generates the need to revise the party policy to beautify its image which is heavily damaged.           


ismail Yousuf.


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