
Congratulation message to the cooperation concluded by UCID and WADDANI parties in Hargeisa‏

There is a famous wisdom, which states that change is inevitable and growth is optional. The newsflash pronouncement this week in Hargeisa, which terminated the political difference between UCID and WADDANI opposition parties, has received a warm welcome by a fast majority of the people both at home and overseas as well. The present situation of the country is the power-driven factor, which make it possible for the political collaboration entered by the two said leaders of the two parties.

Taken this achievement into consideration, we deeply congratulate for the political alliance, joint effort, and coalition for improvement by the two political parties. Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success. We argue both parties to twofold their mission in order to accomplish their common goal, which is considered to be an interest to both parties and valuable to all Somaliland.
There are various ample techniques to attain a political rapid success by the two parties, in which the main fundamental element is establishing close contacts with regard the current development issues of the country as well as any political matters that may become concern in Somaliland.
In the event anyone who wishes reaching leading role in the society must plant confidences for the public; the confidence that these two parties have already laid its foundation. It is certain that this strategic understanding by the two parties will yield its fruits in a little while for both parties. Progress is understood to be means of getting nearer to the destination that someone would like to reach. Cooperation for better purpose brings strength to all concerned.
It is appealed the affiliates of these two at overseas mainly in Europe, USA, North America, Arabia and the neighboring east African countries to demonstrate their blessings with regards the  noteworthy breaking news reported from home detailed in the above, as this considered potential support for the concerned parties.
Ismail Lugweyne


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