
Characteristics of great leaders have in common‏

Leadership is described as processes of social influence in which one person can be enlist serving and support of others to accomplish of a common task. Leaders shape nations societies, communities, and institutions. Good leaders to help guide us and make the essential large-scale decisions that keep the humankind moving. Our society can most people to identify the good leader.  

What would most people say makes a good leader? The president plays a vital role in the existence of the country. The president’s performance is often determined by which we all judge the performance of our country.


A president who succeeds makes us feel that the nation can succeed, and it is also through the president’s performance that we understand Somaliland’s s role in the world and Somaliland’s hopes and aspirations for itself.What distinguishes the successful president from the unsuccessful president? Effective presidents have a strategic vision and a direction in which they want to lead the country. They are concerned with big issues and big challenges, and seek to explain their vision in a way that allows people to understand their circumstances and develop confidence in those proposals.


After probing the resources with regards the characteristics of successful president, I have found a handful of information with respect to traits of successful president obtained from Harvard Business, which designed providing a consultant reference for the above subject.In conclusion, while there are many forms of leadership that each comes with move smoothly of the personality’s traits, please read below ten consistent traits that great leaders’ powers possess. Taken above into scrutiny, I have comprehend many qualities of great leaders, which separates them from ineffective leaders namely honesty, ability to delegate communication, sense of humour, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, ability to inspire, intuition and president silanyo is found having the possession of all above characteristics if not more.




 Ismail lugweyne.

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