AMISOM police hand over office equipment to Somali police
At a ceremony in capital Mogadishu on Monday, AMISOM Police Commissioner Charles Makono officially handed over the gear to Somali Police Commissioner, General Sharif Shekhuna Maye and Deputy Interior Minister and National Security, Mr. Hassan Ibrahim Mohamed.
AMISOM said the equipment included enough logistical equipment for 10 police stations as well as support for a biometric database system which will help the Somali police force implement an efficient personnel and financial management system.
AMISOM Police Commander Makono said the donation was part of AMISOM’s continuing efforts to professionalize the Somali police force. He said the AU peacekeeping mission is committed to Somali police force.
The AMISOM Police component provides regular training for Somali police force with the assistance of international donors.
Officials said the training is aimed at preparing Somali police for duties as station commanders in the liberated areas of Somalia.
Somali police also receive training in areas such as gender- based violence, human rights and protection in conflict and post- conflict environments, community policing, traffic management and basic criminal investigation techniques.
Somali police play a vital role in establishing security following the ouster of the Islamist rebel forces from major towns and cities in southern Somalia.