
The President: Somalia actively taking steps to prevent transmission of ebola to Somalia

Tuesday 5 August, Washington DC: Speaking from the US-Africa Summit in Washington DC, The President outlined precautions Somalia is taking to ensure the ebola virus disease (ebola) does not affect Somalia.

The ebola outbreak first began in Guinea in March 2014. Since its initial outbreak, the virus has spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. The outbreak is the most severe in recorded history in regards to both the number of human cases and fatalities.

“We are very concerned about the outbreak of ebola in West Africa. I want to reassure Somalis that there is a very large distance that ebola would need to travel to reach Somalia. Nevertheless, in recognition that this is a significant outbreak, the Federal Government and its partners have taken immediate steps to protect Somalia and AMISOM troops. This includes working with AMISOM to take the necessary precautions to ensure that ebola does not enter Somalia through troop rotations.

We recognise the severity of this terrible disease and its impact on our African friends. We stand by to support countries affected, and pray for swift resolution and recovery,” said the President.

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