
Confess achievements if not appreciated.

I am lettering to comment about certain statements and unsubstantiated charges that were raised against others. Consequently, I would like to make available the subsequent series of information, which is comprehensively detailed underneath. First and foremost, the intention of criticism is to see a change for the better for the issue criticized, however when someone criticizes another person, but cannot pinpoint what is actually incorrect is measured as obstructive and unenthusiastic.

The objective of productive criticism is not deny success accomplished by others, but to pin down the issues, which an individual thought managed in misguided manner, but the broad phrase which put in the picture that something is gone wrong without mentioning a case for illustration to the public is taken as counterproductive. The criticism, which we quite frequently observes in Somali-land mainly targeted and focused to the people in leadership positions, despite the absence of sizable evidence.

There is convinced benchmark and procedure to every purpose of deeds. A trouble-free illustration understandable to one and all is that, in the event that awful endeavor takes place, one has to criticize the conduct, motives, or measures of policies of party based on genuineness, but if no supporting evidence did exists, it turns as a counter productive and lose of reputation by the personality who exercised the criticism.

Occasionally, boldly quite a lot of people are delighted criticizing others, which is on most cases based in not a bit of reality. Somali-land is 22 years aged. However, during the entire independence, presently we are enjoying the honeymoon for every segment and feature essential of human requirements and development

In the event, that someone is conflict with this authentication, I would be glad, if they could reveal to the public a better period than the present time since independence. The desire of someone to address the media is to gain popularity, but the same cost contrary if feasible evidence is not provided with the intended criticisms.

Disapprovals can be warranted whilst someone has done rather wrong or behaved deficiency, but it is unmerited when somebody simply picks on another person for no evidence, or out of personal irritation. The person criticizing with another individual should be adequately well-informed in relation to the subject matter, which has come under criticism. A generous opponent will bring out the best in the person criticized. Merit-less dissatisfaction is indefensible and unprofitable. In a few occurrences; we have noticed that criticism against another one is based on emotional rather than reality.

In conclusion, in the event that criticism is factual, it assures the receiver a high of degree of success, but when it is dissimilar, when an individual makes imitation accusations against another and publishes those statements by transmitting them to a third party by written word or word of mouth, damages for the person who expressed the deceptive statements against party. Such statements are called defamation of character. There are two types of defamation. Libel defamation and slander defamation. Libel defamation is written, such as in a newspaper, magazine, or on the internet and slander defamation is at the times that statements is orally published, such as in a speech, over the airwaves, or in casual conversation.

ismail Lugweyne. Rabasoro55@hotmail.co.u

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